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Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns


I’ve given enlargements of this photograph as a special gift on a number of occasions. By special, I mean that I’ve given prints to people who have really made a difference in my life - my gesture of thanks for acts of kindness and grace.

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Stubble Fires
Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns

Stubble Fires

It felt strange to bring my expensive camera into a burning field, but I was eager to capture this part of the farming cycle on film.

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Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns


If I’m drawn by the abstract shapes and colours of a sunset, they becomes my focus. Striped Sunset represents such a choice. I was fascinated b the parallel lines, subtle textures, and beautiful variation in colour. I used a short telephoto to isolate this abstract image of the sunset sky.

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Meadows Freight Train
Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns

Meadows Freight Train

What perfect timing that a CP Rail freight train came along as I was photographing. It doesn’t get any more prairie than wildflowers, elevators, and a freight train. Enjoy the colours of this prairie scene.

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Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns


The flash illuminated the reflective tape on the sign an made it glow. Now, instead of drab colours, I had the dramatic colours of the sign contrasting with the drab bluish-grey sky. I set out to photograph one of the taken-for-granted features of the prairie landscape and I’m pleased with the results.

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Contemplation Light
Black and White, Prairie Kerry Enns Black and White, Prairie Kerry Enns

Contemplation Light

Union Point United Church has been a long-standing subject for me. It's a beautiful country church and cemetery located between the lanes of Highway 75, one of Manitoba's busiest highways. As a photographer, I'm on the lookout for visual stories. In this case, seeing this quaint little country church sitting quietly with cars and trucks rushing by makes for a compelling visual narrative.

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Winter Bulrushes
Prairie, Landscape Kerry Enns Prairie, Landscape Kerry Enns

Winter Bulrushes

Anyway, you have before you another scene I came across last weekend when I took my camera for a drive. I actually drove past this scene, realized there were bulrushes sticking out of the snow, then reversed back to take a photograph.

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Antler Garage
Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns

Antler Garage

People usually decorate their houses in like with the “rules” of the neighbourhood. The rules tend to relax for the garage out back. I loved how this fellow (I’m assuming its a fellow!) decorated his garage.

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Evening Elevator
Prairie Kerry Enns Prairie Kerry Enns

Evening Elevator

Pool elevators uses this great reflective metal siding that made the elevators glow when the sun was low enough in the sky. This beautiful reflected light magnifies the impact of the elevator's iconic shape.

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Prairie, Landscape Kerry Enns Prairie, Landscape Kerry Enns


As it happened, there was a whole layer of light and colour that I hadn’t seen in the underexposed slide. Moving the sliders revealed the shape and colour of the light that had been hiding behind the cloud formation.

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Two Winter Trees
Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns

Two Winter Trees

As I was warming my hands in the truck, I noticed the two trees and the dramatic sky behind them. The low winter sun casts strong shadows, which only added to the scene. Shooting directly into the sun is not something I do often. In this case I did it because it helped to complete the story.

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Lonely Tree Gallery
Prairie, Winter Kerry Enns Prairie, Winter Kerry Enns

Lonely Tree Gallery

When it is not cloudy, the January sky is a clean, rich blue. I tried to combine those elements into the Lonely Tree Series. Moving close to the tree allowed the trees strength and the pattern of its outstretched branches to contrast with the sky. For me, it is a way to show the kind of strength a living thing needs to survive in the cold, vast, Canadian prairies. I think that the tree was allowed to stand out of respect for that very strength.

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