Field Lines
Field Lines
Field Lines was one of those "slam on the brakes" moments. The sun was sinking in the southwest sky, just kissing the top of the treeline. Breaks in the clouds allowed the sunlight to create highlights on the stubble, creating a series of lines parallel to the tree line. The clouds also followed the pattern. Just a striking scene.
This scene was a reminder for me. So often when I go for a drive, my camera beside me, I look at the prairie landscape and just see more of the same - fields, roads, snow, and hydro poles. I forget to really look at the world around me. What is the light doing? How is it interacting with the shapes, colours, and textures around me? When I really look there is so much to see.
Hope you enjoy the natural beauty that Field Lines presents.
Nikon D750 w. Nikon 70-300 f/4.5-5.6