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Winter Windmills
I love the way the crisp, white blades of the wind turbines contrast with the deep blue winter sky.

Winter Sun Video
The good light suddenly started to fade as the sun ducked behind cloud cover. “I guess that’s it,” I said to myself as I walked back to my pickup. I started to drive home when, out of habit, I glanced up at the sky to see if there was a chance that the sun would reemerge soon. When I saw the perfect circle of the sun filtered through the winter clouds, I quickly pulled over and started shooting.

Winter Sun
Winter Sun was a welcome photographic moment. When I saw the perfect circle of the sun filtered through the winter clouds, I quickly pulled over and started shooting.

Dad’s Rubber Boots
This photograph must have been taken in November, after the first light snowfall. The contrast between the black rubber and the newly fallen snow creates visual interest, as does the texture of the snow.

Winter Leaf
Even though the leaf is a relatively small part of the photograph, its shape, colour, texture, and placement make it the dominant feature. I love the power of photography to make small things take-on a bigger than life visual presence.

Winter Bulrushes
Anyway, you have before you another scene I came across last weekend when I took my camera for a drive. I actually drove past this scene, realized there were bulrushes sticking out of the snow, then reversed back to take a photograph.

Eigengrund Cemetery
I’m grateful to people in the community who have worked to preserve monuments like the Eigengrund Cemetery sign to help us remember the communities that came before us.

Icicle Cord
Colour or black and white - I can’t decide. Learn more about the making of Icicle Cord at Kerry Enns Photography.

Winter Field and Sky
Today the overcast sky left the landscape looking flat and drab. So, I looked up and saw the subtle texture and colours in the sky itself.

Field Lines
Field Lines was one of those "slam on the brakes" moments. The sun was sinking in the southwest sky, just kissing the top of the treeline.

Two Winter Trees
As I was warming my hands in the truck, I noticed the two trees and the dramatic sky behind them. The low winter sun casts strong shadows, which only added to the scene. Shooting directly into the sun is not something I do often. In this case I did it because it helped to complete the story.

Lonely Tree Gallery
When it is not cloudy, the January sky is a clean, rich blue. I tried to combine those elements into the Lonely Tree Series. Moving close to the tree allowed the trees strength and the pattern of its outstretched branches to contrast with the sky. For me, it is a way to show the kind of strength a living thing needs to survive in the cold, vast, Canadian prairies. I think that the tree was allowed to stand out of respect for that very strength.

Hockey on the Prairies
Hockey on the Prairies played like it used to be…and perhaps as it should be. There is something quintessentially Canadian about seeing a dad on the ice shooting pucks with his kids on a Saturday afternoon. Better yet, on a homemade rink across from the barn.