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Purple Flowers and Bees
I spotted these purple flowers growing in the ditch on one of my afternoon “photography drives”.

Winter Leaf
Even though the leaf is a relatively small part of the photograph, its shape, colour, texture, and placement make it the dominant feature. I love the power of photography to make small things take-on a bigger than life visual presence.

Prairie Grasses
The subdued reds combined with the straw-coloured grass are a fine combination. Add some golden hour lighting and you have a photograph.

Winter Bulrushes
Anyway, you have before you another scene I came across last weekend when I took my camera for a drive. I actually drove past this scene, realized there were bulrushes sticking out of the snow, then reversed back to take a photograph.

Eigengrund Cemetery
I’m grateful to people in the community who have worked to preserve monuments like the Eigengrund Cemetery sign to help us remember the communities that came before us.

Lonely Tree Out West
I just love the colour in this photograph. It looks even better full screen - check out my lonely tree gallery to see the full sized version. CLICK HERE to view on the GALLERY page.

As it happened, there was a whole layer of light and colour that I hadn’t seen in the underexposed slide. Moving the sliders revealed the shape and colour of the light that had been hiding behind the cloud formation.

Icicle Cord
Colour or black and white - I can’t decide. Learn more about the making of Icicle Cord at Kerry Enns Photography.

Winter Field and Sky
Today the overcast sky left the landscape looking flat and drab. So, I looked up and saw the subtle texture and colours in the sky itself.

Long Creek Maple Leaf
Long Creek Red Maple Leaf was taken in my in-law’s wood lot at Long Creek, New Brunswick. The leaf is “hand coloured” - if you can call applying a Photoshop layer by the same name as that old art form.