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My Backyard in May
My Backyard in May is a loose collection of photographs that I took one weekend in May. I hadn’t picked-up my camera for some time so it was as much a “practice session” as it was one of my “serious” photography outings. All of these photographs were taken in my yard.

Trees of Note
Trees of Note is a video slideshow of tree photographs that I’ve taken over the years. Some photographs may be familiar if you follow my work, others are “new” to the web. I hope you enjoy my photographs and the slideshow.

Tall Thistle
Rendering this tall thistle in black and white highlights its spiny textures against the prairie sky.

Winter Leaf
Even though the leaf is a relatively small part of the photograph, its shape, colour, texture, and placement make it the dominant feature. I love the power of photography to make small things take-on a bigger than life visual presence.

Pond Leaves
I went out to the pond on my parents' farm after supper. I spent some time nosing around, looking for natural designs to photograph. As the light was starting to fail, I pushed through the brush at the south end of the pond and came across this scene on the glass-still water.

Long Creek Maple Leaf
Long Creek Red Maple Leaf was taken in my in-law’s wood lot at Long Creek, New Brunswick. The leaf is “hand coloured” - if you can call applying a Photoshop layer by the same name as that old art form.