My Backyard in May

My Backyard in May is a loose collection of photographs that I took one weekend in May. I hadn’t picked-up my camera for some time so it was as much a “practice session” as it was one of my “serious” photography outings. All of these photographs were taken in my yard.

Given that I classified the day’s photography as a “practice session”, I added some challenges. First, I only used my 50mm lens. The 50mm is considered to be the “normal lens” in 35mm photography. The perspective it offers is close to the way the human eye perceives perspective. Many consider this to be a boring lens, but I’ve found that using it pushes my creativity just a bit further. Second, I allowed the camera to set both ISO and shutter speed, leaving me to pick the best f-stop for each photograph. Again, just a creative game to sharpen my photography skills. You can judge whether my efforts were successful.

Nikon D750 w. Nikkor 50 f/1.4




Trees of Note