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Dad’s Rubber Boots
This photograph must have been taken in November, after the first light snowfall. The contrast between the black rubber and the newly fallen snow creates visual interest, as does the texture of the snow.

Yellow Pine
I’ve learned, though, that I can be too critical of my own work and that others need to remind me not to nitpick. So, please remind me! Take a look at the video and tell me what you think - Which is your favourite version of Yellow Pine? Leave a comment on my Kerry Enns Photography Facebook page.

Abandoned Farmhouse
Situated along a busy highway, this abandoned Manitoba farmhouse bears witness to the families who lived in it and worked hard to earn a living from the land.

Mushroom Dream
Photography is the presentation of light, shape, and texture. Mushroom Dream invites viewers to put aside the need to see objects with perfect clarity and enjoy the more abstract light, shapes, and textures of the natural world.

Video: Back Roading After Supper
As a fellow classic truck enthusiast, I could appreciate the moment they were enjoying - taking their classic Power Wagon out for a drive after supper. I’ve gone for many similar drives with my classic GMC, so I felt like I could read their minds.

Back-Roading After Supper
A couple of young fellows came by driving a classic 70s Dodge Power Wagon. As a fellow classic truck enthusiast, I could appreciate the moment they were enjoying - taking their classic Power Wagon out for a drive after supper.

Purple Flowers and Bees
I spotted these purple flowers growing in the ditch on one of my afternoon “photography drives”.

Boundary Sunset
I was on the Border Road, as we call it, photographing some some other things when I passed this boundary marker. I thought I’d take a picture of it to use in my History classroom. As it turned out, the warm light on the marker combined with the sunset colours made for an interesting photograph.

306 Sunset Tree II
In order to avoid rewriting my August 21 post, I’ll just say that this photograph was taken a few minutes after 306 Sunset Tree. The sun moves quickly when it is low in the sky. I had just enough time to photograph 306 Sunset Tree and hustle a few hundred feed down the road to capture this photograph.

306 Sunset Tree
Which one do you like better? For most, I suspect that the dramatic sunset colours will be the deciding factor. For a minority (myself included), the black and white version will be the most interesting. I enjoy the drama and the rich lines/textures emphasized in the black and white representation. Let me know in the comments which you prefer and, if you have a moment, why you prefer it.

Thistle Fantasy
The “move close” rule helped me to find the world of exploding Canada Thistle seeds represented in Thistle Fantasy.

C10 at Sunset
Seeing the blue truck arrive was a good thing. It signalled that it was time for a meal break, or, in this case, that the day had been long enough and it was time to head for home.

My Backyard in May
My Backyard in May is a loose collection of photographs that I took one weekend in May. I hadn’t picked-up my camera for some time so it was as much a “practice session” as it was one of my “serious” photography outings. All of these photographs were taken in my yard.

Around Town
Around Town is an anthology of photographs that I’ve taken over 35 years. Sometimes I like to go for a walk, camera in-hand, just to see what I can find.

I’ve given enlargements of this photograph as a special gift on a number of occasions. By special, I mean that I’ve given prints to people who have really made a difference in my life - my gesture of thanks for acts of kindness and grace.

Tall Thistle
Rendering this tall thistle in black and white highlights its spiny textures against the prairie sky.

Stubble Fires
It felt strange to bring my expensive camera into a burning field, but I was eager to capture this part of the farming cycle on film.

If I’m drawn by the abstract shapes and colours of a sunset, they becomes my focus. Striped Sunset represents such a choice. I was fascinated b the parallel lines, subtle textures, and beautiful variation in colour. I used a short telephoto to isolate this abstract image of the sunset sky.

Meadows Freight Train
What perfect timing that a CP Rail freight train came along as I was photographing. It doesn’t get any more prairie than wildflowers, elevators, and a freight train. Enjoy the colours of this prairie scene.

The flash illuminated the reflective tape on the sign an made it glow. Now, instead of drab colours, I had the dramatic colours of the sign contrasting with the drab bluish-grey sky. I set out to photograph one of the taken-for-granted features of the prairie landscape and I’m pleased with the results.