
The Canadian prairies may be short of geography, but they are rich in sky. With a sky that starts at the horizon, the visual character of prairie landscape is largely determined by the dynamics above. At sunset, cloud cover and the heat radiating from the earth combine to create unpredictably beautiful abstracts in the western sky.

The sunset picture is something of a cliche in photography - low hanging visual fruit. Knowing this, I’m often caught between taking “yet another sunset pic” and my excitement about the beautiful colours that emerge at the end of the day. One solution that I’ve found is to ask myself, “What is drawing me to this scene?” If I’m drawn by the abstract shapes and colours of a sunset, they becomes my focus. Skylines represents such a choice. I was fascinated by the parallel lines, subtle textures, and beautiful variation in colour. I used a short telephoto to isolate this abstract image of the sunset sky.

Nikon FE2 w. 105 f/2.5 on Kodachrome 64


Stubble Fires


Sunflowers for Ukraine