Antler Garage

A lot of my photography is about natural designs that I see out in the world. I also enjoy taking photographs that tell a story, as this one does. People usually decorate their houses in like with the “rules” of the neighbourhood. The rules tend to relax for the garage out back. I loved how this fellow (I’m assuming its a fellow!) decorated his garage. The picture speaks to his identity as a hunter (and a successful one) and as a fix-it man who sees the future potential of old cars and other fixable junk.

I find the content of this photography interesting for its story. Visually, the colour of the trim, the antler mounts, and the old oil tank work together and are complimentary to the blue sky. The photograph is not symmetrical. The line of antlers draws in the eye while the old car anchors the eye on the front of the garage.

Nikon FE2 w. Nikon 70—210 f/4


Bill Enns Seeding


Autumn Abstract