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September Geraniums
My Backyard Kerry Enns My Backyard Kerry Enns

September Geraniums

It is the time of year when we experience transitions. Last week we had beautiful summer weather with high 20s and cloudless skies. The potted geraniums we have growing on the deck were being bathed in beautiful light when I photographed them.

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Red Hand Studio Kerry Enns Red Hand Studio Kerry Enns


Insulator is an early success in my venture into studio photography. Lately, I've been disappearing into my "garage studio" to explore what it's like to control light rather than finding interesting light.

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Two Winter Trees
Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns

Two Winter Trees

As I was warming my hands in the truck, I noticed the two trees and the dramatic sky behind them. The low winter sun casts strong shadows, which only added to the scene. Shooting directly into the sun is not something I do often. In this case I did it because it helped to complete the story.

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Lonely Tree Gallery
Prairie, Winter Kerry Enns Prairie, Winter Kerry Enns

Lonely Tree Gallery

When it is not cloudy, the January sky is a clean, rich blue. I tried to combine those elements into the Lonely Tree Series. Moving close to the tree allowed the trees strength and the pattern of its outstretched branches to contrast with the sky. For me, it is a way to show the kind of strength a living thing needs to survive in the cold, vast, Canadian prairies. I think that the tree was allowed to stand out of respect for that very strength.

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Wire Brush
Today at Home, Black and White Kerry Enns Today at Home, Black and White Kerry Enns

Wire Brush

I chose to represent Wire Brush in black and white to emphasize shapes, patterns, and textures. Previous posts like Geranium Leaf illustrated the same thinking. The bristles dominate the picture but the visual focal point is the piece of fuzz collected that they've captured. I like the way the tips of each bristle catches the light. These circular highlights add another pattern as they fade out of focus.

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Red Pen
Today at Home Kerry Enns Today at Home Kerry Enns

Red Pen

Photography is about light, colour, shape, and pattern. This photograph has it all. I was drawn to the way the morning light spotlit the red pen, which stood out in strong contrast to the top of the oak desk. I took the picture because I found the scene visually interesting. Does the photograph tell a story? What do you think? Let me know in the comments section.

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Hex Keys
Today at Home, Black and White Kerry Enns Today at Home, Black and White Kerry Enns

Hex Keys

Once again, you have before you a study of shape, pattern, and light represented in a black and white photograph. I enjoy finding shapes and patterns just for their visual interest. I don't find any deep significance in this picture (maybe you do!). I just find it visually interesting and enjoy looking at it.

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Yellow Cadillac
Urban Kerry Enns Urban Kerry Enns

Yellow Cadillac

What happens when you borrow the most expensive camera in the shop? You naturally walk through some downtown alleys looking for photographs!

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Pond Leaves
Nature Kerry Enns Nature Kerry Enns

Pond Leaves

I went out to the pond on my parents' farm after supper. I spent some time nosing around, looking for natural designs to photograph. As the light was starting to fail, I pushed through the brush at the south end of the pond and came across this scene on the glass-still water.

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Three Barrels
Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns Prairie, Black and White Kerry Enns

Three Barrels

In terms of content and composition, I find myself attracted to old things because of the way time has left its mark on them. I was likely attracted to the repeating circle pattern, which stands in stark contrast to the bushes around the barrels.

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