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Dad’s Old ‘52
There are a lot of memories in these pictures of Dad’s 1952 Chevrolet pickup.

Dad’s Rubber Boots
This photograph must have been taken in November, after the first light snowfall. The contrast between the black rubber and the newly fallen snow creates visual interest, as does the texture of the snow.

Abandoned Farmhouse
Situated along a busy highway, this abandoned Manitoba farmhouse bears witness to the families who lived in it and worked hard to earn a living from the land.

Cows From the Hood

C10 at Sunset
Seeing the blue truck arrive was a good thing. It signalled that it was time for a meal break, or, in this case, that the day had been long enough and it was time to head for home.

Bill Enns Seeding
My farmer dad had no capacity (or inclination) to understand why I had to take pictures of everything. He cared about me, though, and if I was interested in something he would let me go at it, even if he thought it was “a bunch of nonsense”.

Lonely Tree Out West
I just love the colour in this photograph. It looks even better full screen - check out my lonely tree gallery to see the full sized version. CLICK HERE to view on the GALLERY page.

Prairie Farmstead - New Additions
New additions to the Prairie Farmstead Gallery.

The Red Wagon
When I photographed this wagon I was thinking nostalgia and antiques, but when I first saw the actual image it made me sad. Where is the little boy who played with this wagon? Why was it abandoned out in the middle of a field?

Three Barrels
In terms of content and composition, I find myself attracted to old things because of the way time has left its mark on them. I was likely attracted to the repeating circle pattern, which stands in stark contrast to the bushes around the barrels.

Wind Wheat
My solution was to "get with the wheat", so I lay down at the edge of the field and shot at an upward angel, thus profiling the wheat against the sky.