Portage West Sunset
Portage Avenue Sunset
Portage West Sunset happened during some downtime during a working weekend. I’m a teacher and I do a lot of work for my provincial teachers’ society. The work requires time away from home for multi-day meetings when I stay at nearby Holiday Inn. When arranging my last stay I asked for a west-facing balcony room so that I could experiment with time lapse photography.
Here is my experiment. Portage West Sunset represents three hours of “real time”. I set the time laps to take one photograph every 10 seconds, a rate that worked out pretty well, although going to a 5 second interval would make for smoother transitions.
The contrast between the sky and the city below was significant at the beginning of the video. This meant that setting the exposure for the sky resulted in the city below being underexposed. As the sky darkens you can see the exposure equalizing until the street scene dominates. The transition from sky to street in Portage Avenue Sunset is neat, but I’d still like to open up the exposure a bit next time.
Portage Avenue Sunset is a learning experience, so I hop you don’t mind that I’ve shared it with you. If photography is anything, its a learning journey.