Kerry Enns Photography

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Autumn Abstract

Ok, Autumn Abstract is something different. The art of the kind of photography that I do is in finding the beauty and design in the world around me. I try to move beyond purely representational photography (“cow”, “tree”, or “grass”) to find the visual story that is at work in a scene. Autumn Abstract is a picture of a cluster of birch trees, located in the Canadian Shield, displaying their glorious autumn colours. I asked myself, “Where is the beauty in this scene?” By moving the camera during the exposure I was able to create a completely abstract representation of the vivid autumn colours the Canadian Shield has to offer.

When viewing photography, we expect a representational approach that is similar to how we see the world around us. I’d like to invite you to step out of that way of seeing when you view Autumn Abstract. Enjoy the richness and subtle variations of the colour that the forest displays every autumn.

Nikon F-801 w. Nikon 70-210 f/4